Browse mineral resources


New Deal

Cascade Locks Pit and Plant

East Pit

Fountain Slide

Hanel Quarry

Old Dalles Pit

Trout Creek Pit

Gravel Pit

Koberg Quarry

Island Rock Quarry

White River

Dollar Pit 1920 Trs

Dukes Valley Quarry

George Property Quarry

Hood River Sand and Gravel Pit

Koburg Quarry and Plant


Raker Pint Pit1833 T.R.S.

Shell Rock Pit 11022 Trs


Basalt Quarry


Evens Creek

Smullen Quarry

Basalt Quarry


Herman Creek

Topsoil Pit

Alameda Pit

East Pit

Basalt Quarry

Dukes Valley Quarry

Hood River Pit & Plant

Jones Creek Pit 1812 Trs


New Deal

Hanel Pit

Koberg Quarry

Alameda Pit

Old Dalles Pit

Dollar Pit 1920 Trs

Island Rock Quarry

Trout Creek Pit

Shell Rock Pit 11022 Trs

Evens Creek

White River Pit

Unnamed Pit

Cascade Locks Pit and Plant

Koburg Quarry and Plant

Raker Pint Pit 1833 T.R.S.

Fountain Slide

East Pit

Unnamed Pit

Unnamed Pit

Dukes Valley Quarry

George Property Quarry

Unnamed Quarry

Smullen Quarry

Dukes Valley Quarry

Jones Creek Pit 1812 Trs


Unnamed Quarry

Unnamed Pit

Unnamed Pit

Hood River Pit & Plant

East Pit

Dee Pit

Hood River Sand and Gravel Pit

Lava Pit

Hernam Creek Quarry

© 2010-2018 Lee C. Baker unless noted. All rights reserved.